Thursday, January 27, 2011

Food for Thought

Now that Margot is over 8-months old the solid portion of her diet is taking much greater significance. Although Margot is already eating strained fruits, cereal and certain strained veggies, we will be starting to introduce meats, tofu, and different types of veggies.  We will also be trying certain types of cheese shortly. I must stay I am quite surprised about the variety of foods babies eat. The transition from breast milk/formula to real people food was always somewhat of a mystery to me. 

I will readily admit that my wife, Jen, has taken the lead on researching what type of food we should give Margot. Without Jen, I probably would have just gone to the grocery store and bought any container that matched Margot’s age and sounded mildly yummy (strained apples? Yum! Strained anchovies? Pass!). 

Jen is very pro-organic when it comes to baby food so those types of foods will be taking centre-stage.  I’m not 100% sold that organic everything is necessary for Margot’s health but it means a lot to Jen so I’m not making it an issue – except when it comes to eggs (ask Jen).  For now we are going to loosely base Margot’s diet on the suggested meal plan at


  1. what's the issue with eggs? We buy organic or free range ones here - depending on how flush I feel each week.

  2. I think O probably eats better than we do! I use the same site you do to check what foods I can start when. He is already eating meat and fish, and has been since 6 months. His current favourites are sweet potato and pumpkin or potato, chicory and ham. Any hot tips for new and exciting recipes? x

  3. The Babies Table is a great book for recipes. Have you checked out We started Brady on only organic foods - but then at around 18 months he became such a picky eater I have to admit we have on occasion given him a hot or two. Shayla so far has her lips sealed. What IS the issue with eggs? At least you still have 4 months to clear that up before Margot can enjoy her first whole egg.

  4. Here's the issue with eggs:
    I'm going the organic route with Margot. I'm either making my own purees, which have been so far: organic carrot (yum!), organic apples (yum!), avocado (ok), peas (yuk!), squash (yum, bananas (yum!), tofu (ok) OR buying PC Organic jars (easy).
    So, following the trend, organic eggs it should be. Except the cost of organic eggs is three times the amount of "non-organic" ones. It took quite a bit of convincing Simon. Also, since we're just using the egg yolks, double convincing.
    For meat, I found this fantastic company "la mère poule" who does organic meat meals for babies. It's pricey, but I believe worth it! (hey, if we can buy free-range chicken, we can certainly splurge for our daughter!)
