Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It’s not all Fun and Games

Starting this blog on Christmas is like starting the Star Wars franchise on Episode IV: they both dive right into the action and skim over the plodding back-story.  In my case, since December 25th, I’ve celebrated Christmas with family, celebrated New Year's with good friends, gone snowshoeing, been to two museums (National Art Gallery, Children’s Museum), and seen a cool flick. Unfortunately, the reality is often more like this:

That’s right. Shopping for groceries, feeding Margot, cleaning up after her, and cleaning the house are generally par for the course around here.

That’s ok. I try and make the best of it with Jen by having an occasional glass of wine, reading good books while Margot naps, sneaking in a bit of Playstation 3, and going out now and again.  Also, in my perspective, low-key moments make the exciting ones more special.

p.s it may look like Jen is reaching for cookies but she is really reaching for asparagus. Honest!


  1. Ah, the mundane, the humdrum. It was a bit of a relief to read this post as I was beginning to think that all you three do is have fun. And that's not what life's about right? ;) Believe me though, when Margot starts to walk shopping will become very fun and exciting too! x

  2. Wait until you read today's post..!

  3. Yes - good to know you guys do groceries too :p - after all - who has time to bake home made cookies ;)

  4. I love that brand of asparagus!
