Saturday, January 29, 2011

Workin’ Hard

I did some work today – built some shelves for the office. Nothin’ fancy – just IKEA. This is normally tough guy work [grunt] [snort]. However, to save time I decided to hire an assistant. She works cheap – only needs a bottle of the good stuff every couple of hours or so and then she’s wired. Most people don’t think a plastic shovel and pail would be helpful when putting together shelves but that’s just cause most people don’t know how to build shelves the manly way [hack] [spit] [grunt].

Here’s us thinkin’ bout stuff (man stuff like nuts and bolts and hammers).

Good job lil’ lady.


  1. You are just the cutest. I guess Margot's pretty cute too ;)

  2. Excellent news re. the Munchkin's DIY skills. We've several little jobs for her... x
