Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day Exploration

As of today I am officially no longer on parental leave. Technically I’m just enjoying the long Easter weekend like every other worker. There’s no point in mopping about my imminent return to work though. It’s a nice sunny day and Jen and I have decided to celebrate this Earth Day by going for a little hike in a part of the Greenbelt which we’ve never explored before.

Today’s hike took us to Green Creek, which is in the east end of Ottawa. Is it my imagination or are “east ends” always the bad part of a town? Whether it’s Ottawa’s Vanier, Toronto’s Scarborough, Vancouver’s downtown eastside, or London’s east end, the east always seems to be rougher. Interestingly Vanier, likely the poorest part of Ottawa, is adjacent to Rockcliffe, the richest! I’m not sure if that’s poetic justice or irony or what but there you go. Anyways, I digress.

Green Creek was lovely once we got off the main path and delved into the woods. We found a lookout above the creek.

Later on, after some exploration, we found ourselves next to the creek all alone with just the trees for company.

Margot was very observant and listened to the sound of the water splashing over the rocks.

I hope all these little hikes instil in my daughter an appreciation and respect for nature. I would like her to realize that protecting the local environment can be just as important (in a different way) to our health and being as protecting the rainforest or the Rockies.  In the end I guess I hope to give her a balanced perspective on life. Happy Earth Day!


  1. I call our East End gritty and real (but it does seem to be true). Looked like a great day Simon. We worked in the garden all day for Earth day. Enjoy your long weekend, what a great 4 months it must have been.

  2. Ok, I think I heard somewhere that the East End is always the bad part of town because of the way the prevailing winds blows, i.e. towards the east. Making the east the most polluted part of town in the times when there was a lot of smoke. Something like that. If only I had a better memory that might sound more impressive.
    Anyway, happy earth day!
