Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scouting Mission

There are lots of quiet corners of Ottawa that I’ve never been to before. This morning Margot and I visited one of them: Shirley’s Bay, which is on the Ottawa River.

Shirley’s Bay is a conservation area that is part of a “greenbelt” of parkland that surrounds Ottawa and separates the city from several “bedroom” communities (smaller towns). Living next door to Gatineau Park, I don’t normally feel a need to hike in this area, which is about 25 minutes away from my house. However, with summer fast approaching I’ve been getting the urge to do some fishing and Shirley’s Bay is one of many spots relatively near me where you can supposedly catch some big ones. Today’s visit was a chance for me to scout out the territory.

When we arrived at the park, I found to my delight that we were almost the only ones there. Margot and I therefore had the chance to explore all the nooks and crannies along the shoreline at our leisure.

Although Margot was mostly just interested in hearing what Sophie the Giraffe had to say, I think she appreciated the fresh air.

After about 40 minutes there we headed home for a well-earned rest.

When I was young I used to go fishing with my dad so I was his “riverbank boy”. I like the idea of Margot growing up as my “riverbank girl”.


  1. I think there's a story or a song in there... Riverbank boy and Riverbank girl... Sophie the Giraffe and Fred the flying fish? ...

  2. You two are so sweet together. It's great that you have so much father-daughter time.
    Beautiful photos as well.

  3. Hi Sabrina - yes my thoughts exactly: I think I might have to write a story about a riverbank girl!
