Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Birthday!

There is lots to celebrate on this wet and very rainy April 16th. First, it's Margot's 11-month birthday! WOW - she's really getting close to the one year mark. Congratulations big girl!

Second, it's Jen's birthday today. I'm taking her to Globe Bistro this evening, which is a trendy restaurant in the Danforth area. We're also going to see a exhibit on Tim Burton's art at the Toronto International Film Festival site. Unfortunately, I made one mistake that unfortunate husbands make and rue everywhere: I forgot her gift at home. Doh.

So until we get back to Gatineau I'll have to buy some time with compliments and kisses.

Did I tell you that Jen looks younger this year? Also, her yoga practice has never been better. And that recent play she directed - Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese look out!

Haha happy Birthday babes! Happy Birthday 'lil babe!


  1. Happy Birthday Jen, happy nearly birthday Margot.
    Hope the compliments and kisses are working for you Simon ;)

  2. I think they ALMOST helped :)
