Thursday, April 7, 2011

Backstage work

This is a busy week for my wife, Jen. For the last several months she’s been co-directing a student production of The Lieutenant of Inishmore at the CEGEP (college) where she teaches. This week is show time so she’ll be at school after hours to make sure it goes on without a hitch.

I’m pretty happy for Jen. But I’m also happy that all this extra-curricular activity is almost over! The main impact on me is that I don’t have any assistance taking care of Margot in the evenings. After a long day that can be tough.

However, what goes around comes around and I’m positive that I’ll rely on Jen for support in the future. So, ‘nough complaining and it’s time to plug her play!

If you’ve never seen The Lieutenant of Inishmore you’re in for a treat. Set on the rocky island of Inishmore, off the coast of Ireland, the play centres around the character of Padriac, a feared terrorist assassin. Despite lacking any feeling for his human victims, Padraic has an obsessive attachment to Thomas, his beloved cat. When poor wee Thomas winds up dead, the cat’s caretakers madly attempt to conceal the fact before “Mad Padriac” returns from a stint of torture and bombing. The results are both hilarious and horrifying.

Hmmm sounds bloody funny, pun intended. I’m off to see the show tonight (Margot has a babysitter) so if you would like to join me, head to 325, boul. Cité des Jeunes, Gatineau, QC. I don’t want to hear any whining about “I don’t live in Canada” either. Ottawa has a perfectly serviceable international airport with connections in London, New York and Vancouver. Toraloo! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hang on, one my favourite plays directed by one of my favourite people, and you ask me not to whine because I happen to live on the other side of the globe!
    Know how it is when the troops don't arrive to help out in the evenings. It is tough. Still, the troops being Jen and Fanf, I agree, I don't think we should complain too much ;)
