Monday, February 21, 2011

Book Smarts vs. Experience

There are hundreds, thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands of books about babies and/or young children. I should know because Jen usually has a couple on loan from the local library. Looking around the house today I found two books: Positive Discipline: the First Three Years and How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk.

Unlike Jen, I am not really drawn to reading books about babies. I tried to plough through a couple when Jen was pregnant but I found them quite dull. On the other hand, I enjoyed going to the pre-natal classes and listening to a teacher talk about what to expect. Since Margot’s birth I have preferred to ask my parents, parents-in-law or friends with children questions about how to deal with a particular situation or do a quick Google search. I also like relying on my instincts. However, I find that Jen’s knowledge complements what I know so it’s quite possible that I am free riding off what she has learned from a book. Given that Margot is pretty close to perfect (yes?) I’d say we’ve come up with a solid system.

Perhaps one day a baby book will change Margot’s life. Until then I think I will rely on a philosophy of time, moderation, and experience. Time: there is no substitute for spending time with Margot. If I spend time with her then I will influence her behaviour. Moderation: yes to balanced diet, exercise, sleep, play, etc. and no to bowls of salt for breakfast or endless days spent watching TV. Experience: when in doubt, ask around.


  1. I'm not really drawn to books either (which is strange!), I haven't read any but neither has Fanf. So we don't so much compliment each other as fumble around in the dark together... literally last night! None of my French friends refer to parenting books, most of my anglophone friends do, not sure why. Like you, I like asking around.

  2. I ordered `How to talk so kids will listen`. I think it is an excellent reference book for parents ( and caregivers). I like its cooperative, non-confrontational approach. i learned of this book through the book `The Happiness Project`. I am not normally eager to read these kinds of books, but this one really shares my values.
