Friday, February 25, 2011

The Great Diaper Debate

No, this is not an advertisement for Huggies Diapers. However, I generally do buy this brand of disposable diapers for Margot. That’s right, I said “disposable” (queue lightning and ominous music).

Notwithstanding my general desire to do my part for the environment, Jen and I decided prior to Margot’s birth that to use disposable diapers would be, to paraphrase a famous movie, “A bridge too far”.  Our initial reaction was confirmed shortly after Margot’s birth when we found that we were already changing Margot’s diapers so often that to switch to cloth diapers (which hold less liquid) would result in us devoting an inordinate amount of time to changing her diapers. Things aren’t so bad now but we have decided to maintain the status quo.

The cloth versus disposable diaper debate is currently raging on the Internet. Take this website for example, or this one. I don’t have much to add other than to say that I try to make up for the environmental problems with disposables in other ways. For example, I avoid buying plastic bags, am against idling my car (which wastes gasoline) and I am pretty strict with myself on recycling. Oh yeah, and I fully support any research to encourage babies to come out of the womb already potty trained!


  1. Duane and I have used cloth diapers ever since Maggie was 3 weeks old. Although the first week was an adjustment (there was a bit of a learning curve), we have actually found cloth diapering to be hugely successful for us. Not only is it less expensive over the course of the diapering years, we have found other benefits aside from the environmental impact as well. For example, we have not had a single case of diaper rash. We never have stinky diapers sitting in a garbage pail in her room or anywhere else in the house. The diapers get rinsed - voila - no stink! And, we NEVER run out of diapers!

    All that being said, cloth diapering is definitely an individual choice... what works for one family may not work for the other. It is also imperative the both parents be fully on board with the cloth diapering plan or else you would be doomed to fail.

    For us, we wouldn't turn back. But I can see why that initial transition would put some people off.

  2. You are more daring than me Erin :)
