Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Cross-Country Toboggan Ride

Well the Newmarket folks have left. That means I can tell you what REALLY happened! First things first, forget the last two blogs. It was actually quite terri… haha just kidding. No it was fun. I think Margot enjoyed the extra love and attention. She really went wild with the baby talk the past few days and seemed to like showing off how well she can stand.

I haven’t gone outside much in the last couple of days so to make up for it Jen and I threw on our snowsuits and took Margot for her first cross-country toboggan ride on a nearby golf course. She looked like a cute little blue marshmallow wrapped in a yellow banana.

Technically, I think this is private property and my anglophone law and order instincts were to use one of the nearby public trails instead. However, Jen’s “c’est la vie” francophone persuasiveness won me over. Oh the French!


  1. Go Jen and your francophone persuasiveness :) x

  2. HAHA!! Margot so looks less than impressed in the second pic!
