Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baby Sign Language

Do you know how to speak Margot? Although at first blush it appears to be a fairly straightforward language, it’s actually very nuanced. 

Here is how you say “I’m hungry”:

Here is how you say “I want attention”.

And here is how you say “In control theory the system pole and zeros are analyzed in the intricate seaplane”:

OK Maybe I made that last one up but Margot does seem to be sticking her fingers in her mouth a lot these days.

Another Margot sign that I’ve learned is rubbing her eyes, which means “I’m tired”. As her vocabulary expands (she’s still stuck on “Mama” and “Dada”) I wonder if these signs will fall by the wayside? I can’t wait to have a babbling little monkey running around here although I suspect that once she starts she’ll never stop! In the meantime, I'll say "Goodbye" in Margot:

Just kidding :)

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it seems to me that fingers in mouth means "Look at me, could I be any cuter?" (rhetorical question)
    In Owenspeak fingers in mouths mean "My teeth hurt!"
