Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Window to the World

Since becoming a stay-at-home-dad I think the single most important luxury item I have is not any gimmick or toy for calming Margot down, not any book, and not any appliance; rather it is regular access to the Internet.

I probably use the Internet now more than I ever did before:
  • I keep up-to-date with what is happening in the world by reading numerous online articles about such things as the tragedy in Japan and the turmoil in the Middle East (indeed, I am often tempted to write my support for the people in those lands on this blog, something I may do on a later occasion).
  • I use it to find online resources so that I can practice my French
  • I check the weather to see if it’s too cold outside to go for a walk with Margot.
  • I email my friends to make plans for guys’ nights out
  • I use Skype so that my parents can see Margot grow more regularly. 
  • I even blog in order that my connection to the online world operates in two directions (as a consumer and as a contributor).

I did a lot of those things before becoming a stay-at-home-dad…just not as much. Interestingly, even though I probably don’t even use a tenth of what’s out there, I sometimes think I surf the Internet too much.

Could I give up the Internet? Well, maybe…if you gave me a million dollars to tour the world. Although, and this may shock you, from the middle of 2003 to the middle of 2007 I actually had no home Internet connection (I used libraries)! Haha that seems so quaint now.

Anyways, going forward, and definitely as long as I’m a stay-at-home parent, I think the Internet will be a big part of my life.


  1. I agree there's so much on internet, even a brilliant web site for calming the kids when you don't find any way to manage their distress:
    Go check it out, Margot will certainly love it, but take care, it can as well be addictive :)

  2. Here's what I use the internet for:
    -Check out my favourite blogs.
    -Check my four email addresses (2 yahoo, 1 hotmail, 1 cegep)
    -Stream episodes of
    -Log into my new account (the knitters community)and add projects as "my faves" and update on my own.
    -Look up a variety of yoga studios for workshops and class schedules; not only local ones, but also ones in San Fran and NYC and...
    -Order books on
