Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Days are Long but the Years are Short

There is nothing outstanding to talk about today. No trips to the museum. No “guys night out”. No new discoveries about Margot. In short, it’s a typical average boring day in the life of a stay-at-home dad.

That’s the good thing about this blog. It encourages me to try new things so I can write about them and share my experiences. Even the ordinary can be made extraordinary with a bit of literary…flair! But some days, whether it’s when you’re fighting off a cold (like I am), or when the weather is miserable, or just because that’s life sometimes, nothing special happens. That’s when I catch myself wishing it were summer or dreaming about travelling overseas….

Hold it. Careful. Let me stop myself there.

“The days are long but the years are short.” A wise person once told that to Jen and I and it has stayed with me ever since. To a certain extent, being an idealist, I will always think about the future. But if I’m not careful I will dream the days away – and then “poof” Margot will be all grown up.

It’s a balance I guess. Without these “average” days life would be one non-stop rollercoaster, which could get very exhausting after awhile! Or maybe I should use these days to do all the hard work on things such as my book for Margot. Or maybe I should stop my existential philosophizing, go hug Margot and Jen and stop blogging for today.


  1. Hugs over philosophy any day! Cool hat Jen x)

    Btw Simon, I recently read the title phrase in The Happiness Project and also loved it, in fact had been thinking of using it for a post... you beat me to it! x

  2. The incongruity of Jen's woolly hat and her bare feet makes me smile...and want to put socks on her! Looking out your window, it appears that Gatineau got a bunch of spring snow too...
