Thursday, April 21, 2011

As If I Need Another Hobby

Today I thought of a new activity that would be pretty easy to share with Margot: birding! I’ve decided I’m going to try and identify all the different types of birds that pay a visit to my house.

I’ve already captured four species on my camera. I’ve identified two (a robin and a cardinal):

But I'm at a loss with respect to two others:

However, I’ve enlisted the help of a local birding society, as well as my father who owns a bird identification book, to help me identify these two species.

I know, I know, I sound like a bazillion years old! Well listen here sonny jim we’ll see what types of activities you do with your baby! Hurumph!


  1. Simon, my dad would be impressed. He tried to teach all three of us the names of birds and flowers. Sadly, none of us took the slightest bit of interest. But then like you and Jen, my parents did lots of different things with us and we've all taken something from them. It's great to share interests and passions, old and new :)

  2. Mystery solved:

    Thanks to my Dad I now know the first of the two unknown birds is a dark eyed junco.

    Thanks to the ONFC Birds Committee the second bird is a female red winged blackbird.

  3. Hey, I posted it was a junco yesterday!! Boo, what happened...
