Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Learning to say “No”

As Margot becomes more mobile her capacity to get into trouble increases exponentially. This has meant that I have to keep an extra sharp eye on her. Not just to avoid getting hurt, but to avoid her destroying everything in the house below 2-feet in height!

Today, like many mornings, she tried to take the carbon monoxide detector off the wall and eat it. “No Haricot, that’s not for you!”

She also tried to pull Jen’s face off by scrunching it up into a little ball. Although we all had a little giggle about this at a certain point getting your face pulled off kindof hurts. “No Coco, not that hard!”

Fortunately Margot’s ability to comprehend the word “no” seems to have developed along with her little legs…somewhat. When I say “no” she often just turns and gives me a big smile. Given Margot’s insanely cute smile this generally ends the discussion. However, I know that as she gets older I’m going to have to get tougher. Hopefully by that point I’ll have developed a thicker skin!


  1. O does the smile trick too.
    Matilda was so drawn to everything she wasn't supposed to do/touch/eat/pull at/climb on that the joke in the family was that her name was Matildano.

  2. LOL! Well, in light of the previous post Simon, I can understand the face-scrunching. You used to do that to me when you were about Margot's age and I was almost 4. It DID hurt! I put my face close to Margot a few times this weekend, and she tried a few little cheek squeezes - maybe she was working up to a full-face scrunch for her maman!

    Funny thing though...she seemed remarkably gentle with touching those birthday flowers I bought. I even said "Gentle, gentle!" but I'm guessing it was a coincidence that she actually was, and not that she actually understood me ;)
