Thursday, January 20, 2011

Being Productive

This morning was brilliantly sunny but cold (-14 degrees Celsius, feels like – 22 with the wind chill). I think I even saw a squirrel shivering!  Fortunately, I didn’t have to brave the icy temperatures outside.

The little patate was in a generous mood and had a nap from 10 am to almost noon! That’s quite extraordinary in my world! Although she normally has a mid-morning snooze it’s rare for her to sleep longer than 45 minutes. 

I should have used the unexpected quiet time to read. Instead, I paid some bills on the Internet, solved a problem I was having with my digital camera, and tidied up around the house. 

Hmmm, I don’t think I have overcome my desire to always want to always be “productive” yet.  I constantly catch myself thinking of “missions” that I need to accomplish (such as this blog!). Although I think it’s a good thing to have weekly activities, and some chores have to be done, one of my goals of this parental leave is to learn to relax a bit more; to enjoy the moments!

I think I have a ways to go.


  1. I have the same goal - trying to relax more and enjoying the moment. Jen will be happy to know I just bought 5 yoga classes - let's see how that goes :)

  2. I feel that relaxing is over-rated. It`s a relatively new concept really. For example, there is a lot of emphasize on spas/massages/sitting by the pool holidays/ taking it easy. I don`t really buy into that.

  3. Relaxing and being productive are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Reading, as far as I'm concerned, can be both. If by relax what you mean is let go of routines and plans then I agree, a bit of going with the flow (again it can be a productive flow) sometimes opens you up to new experiences and opportunities.
