Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tubby Tub Tub Princess of Tub time

I felt pretty crabby yesterday - hence the melancholy topic. However, one of the nice things of blogging is hearing other people’s thoughts and encouragement on whatever issue pops into my head. So in retrospect, and after going through the emails, blog mentions, and comments I received, maybe it was a good day after all.

To continue my pattern of goofy post/philosophical post/goofy post, today’s post changes gears a bit.  Today, I had my first French lesson with my tutor (more on that in the future - don’t want to go through all my blog topics too soon) and, more importantly for all those who like hearing about Margot, it was the first time that Margot has ever taken a bath without crying. Here’s some post-bath photos.

I must say she looks rather cross in the first shot so maybe we got her out just in time.  Regardless, this is a big step and should hopefully decrease Margot’s grubbiness factor by several degrees. Just kidding! Margot’s not that grubby…just smelly. :)

AS I WAS SAYING, Margot had lots of fun in the tub that little tub time tubby princess of tub land.  Not sure what has changed since the last time we bathed her but now the vast cornucopia of water-related employment is open to her: lifeguard; scuba diver; lifeguard supervisor…the possibilities are endless. 


  1. Marine archaeologist, olympic swimmer, Hollywood poolside party girl, pirate... if she develops a love for water it could take her anywhere ;) x

  2. Happy Day! One of my long term goals is to learn how to sail. If I do, perhaps I can teach her some day! Although that might make me an enabler if she turns to Bex's suggestion of piracy ;)
