Monday, January 3, 2011


Margot has a cousin named Noa. Whenever he sees Margot (a.k.a “Ah-go!”), he points, jumps up and down and runs around in circles. This level of excitement almost puts Margot on equal footing to Thomas the Tank Engine.  Almost is pretty impressive in my book, because, let’s face it, Thomas has facial expressions and talks. I’m sure you’ve seen lots of babies but have you ever seen a train do that?!

I digress.

I wonder if Margot and Noa will be close when they grow up? It’s kindof sweet seeing friendships being born. He’s already starting to look out for her …when she’s not playing with his Thomas the Tank Engine….who appears to drive himself?! And why do train tracks appear everywhere he goes? What is up with that?!

I digress again.

Anyways, knowing Margot, she’s going to drag poor Noa off onto some half-baked adventure à la The Raccoons.  Oh well, at least they’ll have good childhood memories!

By the way, these photos were taken at the Children’s Museum, part of the Museum of Civilization here in Gatineau.  It's a toddlers heaven although we squeezed in some fun too.


  1. Cousins are brilliant. Just wind'em up, put'em together and watch'em ah-go ;) Better than cartoons any day.

  2. This is the cutest :) Ah-go is indeed a feisty little thing doubt she'll be the ringleader of many capers and shenanigans :)

  3. Margot and Noa are a pair just waiting to explode.Two peas in a pod! Just give them a couple more years (months?..)
