Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Before going on parental leave I was given the chance to pursue a good job.  I passed on it because I didn’t want to give up my four months with Margot, which might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, recently I have had some doubts.  

Now, I know I should be extremely grateful for my time with Margot – and I am! Few fathers are given the chance to take leave with their children. However, my career is important to me and I can’t help but worry sometimes that my decision has negatively impacted my career in some way.

I guess the career vs. family trade-off is something that every parent thinks about when they decide how much parental leave they should take. I didn’t think it would be something I would have to face given that I am only taking four months off. But here I am. Thinking.


  1. Talk to your last boss. If she's as awesome as you say she was, I'm sure she'll be happy to give you her thoughts and guidance on this score. P.S. The little one is as cute as ever :)

  2. I think life is pretty short - and 4 months in the grand scheme of things is tiny (but what you may get out of it is huge). You have the next 30 years of your life to work on your career - and I am SURE you will have many more great opportunities presented to you. But when you are old and sitting around thinking about your life - you'll probably remember those 4 months with Margot and won't even think much about your career. This is what I tell myself (I have been home with our kids for the past 3 years and will probably be home for another 2 before I even START my career) to make myself feel better when I have had a rough day. Enjoy your 4 months!

  3. Stay strong brother!! Margot will love these stories in the future. And now finally I have time to read too.

  4. I'm with Gabriele (whose comment was extremely helpful to me too!). I constantly have doubts about leaving the workplace (just about to post about it) but even when there are days (weeks, months!!) when I feel it was the wrong decision I KNOW, that I will never ever look back and regret it. A bright, vibrant young whippersnapper like yourself, 4 months out is just the time needed for everyone at work to realise that you were the best thing around and they need to offer you all kinds of brilliant opportunities once you return. In the meantime, surely it's great that Margot, rather than your colleagues, gets to benefit from your bright, vibrant, young whippersnapperishity. And you from hers, of course! xxx

  5. It certainly isn't an easy decision but when you think about it - women have had almost no say in their career vs. caregiver opportunities for the past several thousand years. You're representing for all those women now and throughout history and teaching Margot incredible feminist values! So proud of you!

  6. I'm a bit late to comment but honestly ,people wont even notice you've been gone (I was off for six months with Duncan - maternity leave isn't as generous in the UK, especially four years ago).

    That's not to say it might not have a bit of an impact, of course it can, but I also find that my ambitions have changed as well. I'm less inclined to want to conquer the world and I'm happier with just being valued, having secure employment, and having the flexibility to respond to my family as well. Interesting work is just as high a priority as ever - it's just my ego that's changed.
