Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sour Mood

Today was a tofu cookie day.

I don’t like tofu.

Last night Margot woke up every hour and a half screaming for no apparent reason. Normally, she only wakes up once per night at around 4 am (before finally waking up for good at 8 am).

Although repeated wakeups is a relatively rare occurrence, when it does happen my preferred approach (if feeding and a change isn’t necessary) is to see if Margot will cry and soothe herself to sleep. Jen has the exact opposite instinct: she wants to pick Margot up and soothe her herself.  Last night nothing worked. 

Needless to say I woke up pretty tired today and in a generally sour mood.  As a consequence, I was less than nice to Jen throughout the day.  Thankfully it was a beautiful day, which inspired us to take a walk in Gatineau Park. Warm rays of sun can a pretty positive effect on me and the walk resolved most of the tension.

Margot is normally amazing but some days can be rough.


  1. Maybe she had a tummy ache or something. It's not like either picking her up or letting her cry would directly alleviate discomfort like that :s What did she eat today? Hope tomorrow is a better day. Really lovely photo!!

  2. Sometimes nothing works. It is rough, tiredness makes everything difficult. After O's two brilliant nights last week I am starting the week groggy after the third night in a row of random crying. It makes it hard to think about doing anything. I tell myself, I'll look back at this and laugh (wryly) when O's a teenager and won't get out of bed... F and I have said an everlasting sorry for all the times past and to come when we're horrid to each other because we're tired and grumpy.
