Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Waking up is Hard to Do

After a night out it would be nice to have a nice lazy sleep in. It would also be nice to have a villa in Tuscany. Neither is likely to happen anytime soon!

Margot, that cheeky little monkey, was ready at 8 am sharp this morning. That’s pretty much her standard wake up time.  She sleeps in her own room but we can hear her stir, whine and, if we’re slow, wail.  I keep a container of Nestle GoodStart2 formula next to the bed in order to prepare a bottle for her as soon as possible.

As you can see, the transformation from groggy gremlin into groggy mogwai this morning was quite drastic (elapsed time: 10 minutes).


  1. Wow! Within 10 (hectic...) minutes, you get a brand new baby. She must eat (drink) pretty fast!

  2. Does the same thing work on Jen?? x

  3. 8am is sleeping in for us. Our two are early risers. Think 6am seven days a week!

  4. Bex: I learned long ago that a full stomach is a happy Jen (especially when travelling)!
    Nathalie: I think the curtains were closed but it is pretty dark on cloudy days at 8am.
    Trish: d'oh! You're making me look bad :)

  5. Im with Trish - Brady wakes us up at 5 sometimes - but mostly we get up around 6 or 7 - depending on how many times we can get him to go back to his room for a bit. Shayla is the better sleeper - she gets up at 7. Stop complaining :p

    p.s. Is Nestle paying you for advertising? If not - they should ;)
