Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I’ve been house bound the last two days as the bitterly cold weather (-35 degrees with wind chill) has meant that it’s been too cold to take Margot anywhere – even outside for a walk.  The result: a very restless Simon. 

In order to get over my mild case of “cabin fever”, I was going to go see a film for parents and babies at a local cinema today. I’ve never done this before and it would probably make a great blog-post! Alas, it was not meant to be as on my way there I realized I forgot Margot’s diaper bag with all her necessities and ended up missing the film. BOO!

Oh well. In hindsight it’s not that big a deal as I visited two other interesting and equally blog-worthy places today: (i) my first daycare centre; and (ii) a “babytime” class at a local library.  With respect to topic (i), well the daycare was actually very impressive. The main problem is that it’s pricey and not very flexible (no part-time care), which isn’t optimal for us.  I will refrain from commenting any further on this topic as my research into daycares is just beginning.  Here’s a photo:

Quite the château.

As for topic (ii), well I obviously didn’t read the class description very well as I thought I was bringing Margot to some kind of story time thing but it turned out to be a not-as-good version of the Making Music Meaningful class I already attend. The class today was free but I’m still not sure it’s worth the price I'm paying.

p.s even with all this driving around Margot was an excellent and very smiley baby. Almost makes up for the four times she woke us up last night (every 2.5 hours). Almost!


  1. Owen has also decided that sleeping at night is for wimps. But I am wimp, so Owen, Margot, we know you're tough little cookies - you don't need to prove it to us! x

  2. Sunnyside library.

    Margot is starting to pull a 'random' wake up in the night (two nights in a row now). I've let her cry for 10 minutes and she's gone back to bed.
